“Best When Done Properly”
Doctors and patients shouldn’t even try to do T3 therapy without having first read the Doctor’s Manual.
Dr. Timothy J. Smith, MD
Berkeley, CA
I have seen many patients treated by doctors for Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome with poor results. Often, it appears that these patients have been treated with T3 in a way that’s doesn’t seem fully logical. The approach taken doesn’t seem to reflect an understanding of known thyroid physiology and/or the principles outlined in the Doctor’s Manual. In my experience, the results people experience clearly depend on the way the T3 is used.
Dr. Stephen L. Leighton, MD
Winston-Salem, NC
When patients read the Doctor’s Manual I have very little difficulty with the treatment. I’ve had the most trouble in patients who haven’t taken the time to read it. I insist that every patient read the Doctor’s Manual before I treat them with T3. And for the patients who are on T4 containing medicine, I insist that they read the Doctor’s Manual before they wean off of it. I think it would be impossible for a doctor to implement this treatment very well or easily in his practice without insisting that every patient read the Doctor’s Manual first. It makes it so much easier. I once had a patient tell me, “I think I need a T4 test dose.” He showed me in the Manual what that was, and he was right. One patient told me, “Will you read case study No. 5? I think that’s what’s going on with me.” These pointers from patients can be extremely helpful. They have time to study the Doctor’s Manual carefully and see how it applies to them.
Dr. Timothy J. Smith, MD
Berkeley, CA
I absolutely do see a strong correlation between how well the patients follow the instructions in therapy and how well they do. I learned a long time ago that you cannot help people who do not want to help themselves. I’m so busy but as long as the patients will follow my instructions I will do everything in my power to get them well.
Dr. Charles Resseger, DO
Norwalk, OH
I find it extremely important for the patient to be educated as much as possible and this often increases their motivation to comply with the somewhat complicated instructions. I have also found some differences between compounding pharmacies and how they prepare the T3. One pharmacist expressed surprise when I explained to him the time release factor was supposed to be for 12 hours. He had been using a different grade of methycellulose and it was only 8 hours. Another pharmacist insisted on putting dye in the T3 and others insist on putting the T3 in color capsules to differentiate doses. This is not good for my allergic patients and may explain why some doctors are not getting the desired results with their patients on Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome treatment.
Dr. Sandra Denton, MD
Anchorage, AK
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