“To my surprise, my wife was cured from her Migraine at a [low] dose”
-M. Shaalan, MD, Ph.D
I firmly believe in Wilson’s Thyroid Syndrome. I have the book, Manual & patient forms. I have treated myself, my wife & several patients with different symptoms. To my surprise, my wife was cured from her Migraine at a [low] dose………several patients did too. Thanks a lot to Dr Wilson & all your efforts to publicize this MAGICAL cure for almost a thousand serious symptoms. I see many who had Hysterectomy for heavy bleeding caused by undiagnosed Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome……..! .
I was born in Egypt, and live here since 1967. I live in NE corner of Mississippi (Corinth). Certified Clinical & Anatomic Pathologist, & switched to Public Health in 1993. I see about 25 patients a day, mostly females for family planning. At least 2 or 3 cases of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome I diagnose daily…& they all respond beautifully & promptly.
…..I Am very appreciative & wish you Godspeed in your humanitarian efforts.
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