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Exercise May Boost T3 Benefits

The object of T3 therapy for Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome is to normalize the body temperature.  One way of doing that is by prescribing T3, which stimulates the body temperature.  But guess what? recent research shows that T3 increases the body temperature much more effectively when exercise is added to the regimen!

Add in its legendary benefits for mood, vitality and weight management, and it becomes increasingly clear that exercise should be a non-negotiable part of your Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome therapy. Need another reason? Exercise may help T3 to work better.

Research has shown that exercise significantly enhances, or in a sense, “activates” the thermogenic effects of T3. In one animal study, T3 injection resulted in greater temperature increases during (and after) exercise than injection followed by rest only. This research seems to suggest that activity and thyroid hormones work hand-in-hand to spark changes in metabolism. So if you’re having trouble getting your temperature up while on T3, maybe a little exercise will help!

About the Author:

Denis Wilson, MD described Wilson 's Temperature Syndrome in 1988 after observing people with symptoms of low thyroid and low body temperature, yet who had normal blood tests. He found that by normalizing their temperatures with T3 (without T4) their symptoms often remained improved even after the treatment was discontinued. He was the first doctor to use sustained-release T3.

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