Way back around 40 years ago there wasn’t very much thyroid illness. But now, over 11% of people have thyroid issues that show up on blood tests and that doesn’t even count all the people with thyroid problems that don’t show up on blood tests. Sadly, this isn’t just among grownups. The number of babies born with hypothyroidism has doubled.
Guess what else has gone up in that period of time? Toxins and obesity. Pesticide use in the US has increased tenfold in the last 40 years and the amount of money spent on industrial chemicals has increased 300 fold! Those chemicals get dumped into the environment and they make their way into the rivers, sky, oceans, farms, and food.
Many of these toxins look a lot like thyroid and other hormones. They disrupt our hormonal systems, and they also can confuse the body into attacking itself. That’s a big reason why there is so much Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and Graves’ disease these days. We are all toxic. The average person in the United States will likely test positive for at least 100 chemical toxins. Even babies are born with about that many toxins from their mothers.
The body spends a lot of its natural defenses trying to get rid of these toxins. If the body is not sufficiently nourished then it can begin to lose the fight and many bodily functions can suffer. The mitochondria are the power packs of the cells. They can get damaged when the body begins to lose the war against toxins. When they fail, the body temperature can drop, the weight can go up and people can develop diabetes. According to the CDC, In 1994 only 16 states had obesity rates higher than 15% of their populations but none had rates higher than 19%. By 2010 all states had obesity rates higher than 20% and 12 had rates >= 30%! No wonder Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome is so common these days. The stress of toxins can explain a lot.
These days, we are all exposed to toxins. Now the fight is on. We need to minimize the toxins we are exposed to, nourish and exercise our bodies so they can eliminate the toxins we have, and reset our temperatures with T3 as needed.
Eliminate toxins
We need nutrients to fight toxins. Refined sugar doesn’t provide nutrients but can actually COST nutrients to digest. People are eating on average about 1/2 pound of sugar every day (some much more than that). Most of this sugar comes in sweet drinks. Some sodas have a lot of bromine, city water has chlorine, toothpaste has fluorine. These can all block the uptake of iodine into the thyroid. Don’t cook in plastic or wash your plastic containers in the dishwasher. Don’t drink out of styrofoam cups or bowls (especially hot foods). Avoid pesticides by eating organic. Grow your own sprouts and vegetables and fruits. Eliminate artificial sweeteners. Try avoiding wheat and dairy for a time. Try eliminating meat (unless it’s organic).
Nourish your body
Give yourself herbs that will support the thyroid, adrenal, and endocrine system. Take a good multi-vitamin that will provide your body the nutrients it needs to fight toxins. Iodine, Selenium, Vitamin D3, are particularly important. Drink plenty of water and try to sweat every day.
Some people can lose 20 pounds in 2 months just by switching to organic (pesticide-free) food. Imagine that. When people eat cleaner they tend to feel more satisfied. Imagine not being as hungry yet losing more weight. It’s all about eating cleaner. And exercise doesn’t just burn calories, it eliminates toxins through sweat but also builds up antioxidants that help eliminate toxins.
So yes, our mothers were right. The secret is to eat lots of fruits and vegetables (without pesticides) and to get plenty of water, rest, and exercise.
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