The significance of a medical problem is not always measured by how complicated the problem is, how expensive it is to diagnose, how difficult it is to treat, or how expensive it is to treat. Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome is the perfect example: It is simple to diagnose, monitor and treat, yet it may solve a multitude of health problems in a massive segment of our population.
All too often, we’re told of thyroid health problems in the context of forever: Medication, treatment and expenses for the rest of your life. Those expenses can really add up over a lifetime, not to mention the inconvenience of having to make regular doctor visits! Everyone wants to feel better, but it doesn’t feel good to think about paying for medicine forever.
People have been conditioned to expect a “life sentence” of thyroid care. I had to fight to get people to look at the thyroid system differently. When I first started my work in the late 1980s, doctors were not aware of the significance of the T3-only approach. No one was talking about it. In fact, when I first started talking about it I got some fierce opposition. But now, many doctors and laypeople are touting the advantages of the T3-only approach.
I didn’t invent T3. I wasn’t the first to use it in relation to normal blood tests. I wasn’t the first to say that low temp is a good guide for thyroid. But I was the first to put these all together and to use sustained-release T3 and discover a reversible (gets better with treatment, remains better off treatment) hypothyroid or low thyroid condition. I was the first to discover that there may be a cure that frees WTS sufferers from their life sentence of medication and treatment.
Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome revolutionizes old-school thyroid care concepts. WTS protocols aren’t complicated, intensive or expensive. Consider: a single cycle of T3 therapy costs only about $100, and can be finished within 4-7 weeks! But what’s most exciting to me is that after WT3 therapy, patients sometimes not only get better, but stay better.
It’s wonderful that difficult-to-treat symptoms may not only be managed, but cured… even after treatment has stopped! WTS is the most economical solution as well as most effective in many people. It’s time to start thinking differently about thyroid health. By simply normalizing low body temperature, you may recover your health and reduce your expenses. You deserve to get better and stay better without paying for medicine forever!
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