“And It Works.”
Over the last 8 years, since the first person came to me asking for assistance in working through this protocol, I have been repeatedly impressed that this therapy worked where multiple other attempts, from anti-depressants to standard thyroid replacement therapy, have not. The strongest rationale for doing this can be found in these points:
- It is simple. This is not a complex process. It takes a little time to educate the patient in the process of tapering up, identifying the plateau dose, self-monitoring, and then tapering back off. The rest is logical and intuitive.
- It is safe. We are using a hormone identical to active human T3. The dosages are well within a safe range and can be monitored easily.
- It is inexpensive. A full course of treatment, a single 6 – 7 week cycle, costs only about $100. This is far below the cost of therapy for most other chronic conditions.
- If it doesn’t work, little is lost . . . AND, it might reveal the next step to be taken.
I have seen some 500+ patients, all self-referred, for this condition in the last 8 years. The strongest testimony to the efficacy of this treatment is that I have never advertised or promoted this, patients have found their way to my office solely based on the recommendations of others that have been treated successfully. Once the stream of patients began, it has never stopped. Around 85 to 90% of the patients that I treat for Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome respond to the treatment, to some degree. Of those about 50 percent seem to recover fully with only one cycle of T3 therapy and are able to wean off and be done. Of the other 50 percent about half respond temporarily, but the symptoms recur rapidly, apparently because of the continued personal stress or lifestyle instability. For the remainder of those who respond, we find that for some the response is only a partial response and reveals that there is something else involved (ie yeast overgrowth, etc.) for which the Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome is actually an adaptive response. By eliminating the Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome component, the underlying problem is more evident, leading to further investigation.
Dr. Stephen L. Leighton, MD
Winston-Salem, NC
I was first introduced to Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome approximately 7-8 years ago by a patient who had a number of problems and who reads profusely. She piqued my interest and I began researching. I read the Doctor’s Manual and have probably at this point in time, treated well over 500 patients with amazingly good results.
Dr. Charles Resseger, DO
Norwalk, OH
I was attracted to investigate Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome and therapy with time release T3 because of the stories a trusted colleague in Colorado Springs kept telling me. He even suggested it might be beneficial in treating my own Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Because of classic hypothyroid symptoms, I had had numerous thyroid tests performed, all of which had been “normal.” When indeed it was a crucial key in my own recovery, I started using it with my patients. Now 8 1/2 years later it is an integral part of my practice. Patients come to me by word-of-mouth from satisfied patients. After reading the book or logging onto the Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome web site, they are eager to get started on “something that seems to be the first thing that makes sense in a long time.” I’m often able to discontinue the therapy using the time release form of T3. In my opinion, the major advantage of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome
Dr. Sandra Denton, MD
Anchorage, AK
“90 to 100% percent of patients I treat for Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome improve. When there aren’t a lot of complicating factors patients are amazed because it’s wonderful. It just explains 17 years of misery.”
Dr. Ian Nesbit, ND
Billings, MT
Dr. Wilson’s work is a big part of what I do every day .
Dr. Ron Hunninghake, MD
Wichita, KS
T3 therapy for Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome is wonderful. I’m really enjoying it. I can say from my own experience, from just using it, it’s wonderful. It makes you see changes in people’s lives. It’s beautiful.
Dr. Steven Ayre, MD
Burr Ridge, IL
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