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Can Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Explain Weight Gain?

Dear Dr. Wilson,

“I am so pleased to say that about 8 months ago I stumbled upon your website and couldn’t believe the symptoms I was reading which described my 21 year old daughter to a tee! Throughout her childhood she would have bouts of feeling really lousy with symptoms like muscle aches, or joint pain, tiredness, and feeling chilled. Then other days she’d be fine. I didn’t think it was serious or specific enough to bring her to a doctor. Looking back now I see that when she was under stress her symptoms were worse.

She is living on her own now and about 8 months ago she started to gain weight very rapidly (she has always been tiny with a 5’2” frame at 110 lbs.) and she had days where she was debilitated with joint aches and always felt cold. Also she was having an irregular menstrual cycle and complained of acne. That’s when I started to search the internet for answers. I printed a lot of pages off your site and gave them to her to read. She found a Naturopath doctor close to where she lives and told her she wanted to have her thyroid checked out. She had some blood work done and the doctor told her to record her body temp certain times a day and so on her next visit she went in with a folder full of information on WTS.

Even before she had a chance to show the doctor the information, the doctor told her she suspected she had “Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome” and would need T3 therapy! She was thrilled to have to look no further! Her low body temp was running around 96.5 avg. her menstrual cycle stopped completely and she had gained 25 lbs. Within a week after starting T3 her weight gain ceased and she started her cycle again. Its been about 2 months since being weaned off T3. She was able to capture her temp. at 98.6 and has felt so much better than she has in a long, long time.

Thank you so much, we can only imagine what her condition would be like now if left unchecked or left in the hands of conventional medicine.”

Moses Lake, WA

About the Author:

Denis Wilson, MD described Wilson 's Temperature Syndrome in 1988 after observing people with symptoms of low thyroid and low body temperature, yet who had normal blood tests. He found that by normalizing their temperatures with T3 (without T4) their symptoms often remained improved even after the treatment was discontinued. He was the first doctor to use sustained-release T3.


  1. Dessa June 29, 2012 at 8:59 pm - Reply

    Progesterone (not synthetic) is possibly a factor. I too am on T3 therapy, but the addition of progesterone made a HUGE difference. I also had suffered acne, painful and irregular cycles and PCOS. Progesterone helped everything, including very tender breasts, better mood, better sleep and constipation.

  2. Cathy July 1, 2012 at 5:02 am - Reply

    I had a PCOS diagnosis for most of my life until changing gyns after an endocrinologist put me on Armour Thyroid which contains T3&4. There are OTHER T’s not regularly checked, but they can be. Once the hyperinsulinemia set it, at first w plummeting sugar at age 18, I was told I was doomed to Diabetes. Incorrect. I took a Nutrition Minor & fought it now being 48. I was put on Armour at 36. The Metformin the gyn put me on to lose weight off label made my HbA1C go way up! I read a study online that Thyroid patients with adipose tissue (fat) are poor converters from T4 to T 3, often due to a lack of Iodine in diets. I live in MI and my NMD says MI has no Iodine in the soil leading to obesity in our State. I have been supplementing with 2% Iodine liquid, so many drops twice a day for over a month and I can make it through my days better now. But once the hirsutism sets in it is not reversible. That bird has flown. I hope your daughter’s gyn did not put her on the pill. That guarenteed my looking like I’ve had children permanently. Insurance still, to my knowledge, does not cover laser hair removal, but paying cash for it beats taking Aldactone with it’s arm-long list of potential side effects. Help your daughter cut out ALL sugar & not take artificial sweetebers, either, plus reduce meat & eat organic.I did find a study of Hgh shots getting irregular girls tobecome regular, but what doctor wants to really cure a patient. Next month I might go on T3 again, but I tried it once before and had a huge Candida reaction. Yes, I recommend from research & experience purified water, no plastic containers for PCOS sufferers, and cleanses, plus reducing stress. The Pill is just as much of a steroid as the ones men take for muscles. Beware.

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