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My friends and I are very grateful to have found out about WTS!

I have Hashimoto’s as well as WTS. I feel very fortunate to have found a doctor who realized my Reverse T3, in addition to my elevated TSH and TPO antibodies, was high enough to be a problem and that T3 was the correct therapy to pursue. Thank you so much for making the Doctor’s Manual available for free. I already have your book, but all of the case studies in the Doctor’s Manual were really helpful. My friends and I are very grateful to have found out about WTS!

Patricia L.

About the Author:

Denis Wilson, MD described Wilson 's Temperature Syndrome in 1988 after observing people with symptoms of low thyroid and low body temperature, yet who had normal blood tests. He found that by normalizing their temperatures with T3 (without T4) their symptoms often remained improved even after the treatment was discontinued. He was the first doctor to use sustained-release T3.


  1. Vanessa Ng December 31, 2012 at 3:04 am - Reply

    Please tell me where to get the book. I’ve been battling bizarre symptoms for 12 years life is quite unbearable. My 9 yr old has been tested positive for hashimoto’s n my 8 yr old has neither gained weight nor height in the last two years. My blood works all look ‘normal’ but I have all the symptoms typical of hashimoto’s / Wilson’s. I am desperate.

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