“I don’t have any of the symptoms today” – Nikki
… I know this is going to be long but there is so much to tell you…about the great success I have had with T3. I too had most of the symptoms. I think there were 9 that I didn’t have. I don’t have any of the symptoms today. Today I can say I am well and feeling wonderful, I have been off the T 3 now for almost a month. I too had debilitating anxiety, panic attacks and depression. Fatigue, migraines, weight gain, uncontrollable crying. You name it I had it. I was so bad that in Aug 97 I had to sell my business and stay home and try and find out what was wrong with me and try and get well. It took 6 months of Doctors and many tests (I really thought I was dying) to find out that everyone said I was fine.
Now if that is what fine is I can live without it. I began to wonder about my own sanity. Maybe I was going crazy. Finally I found the book, Prescription for Nutritional Healing, and there in little print was Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome. I called, got the web site and got online, and low and behold, there I was. I just knew this was for me. I copied everything I could, ordered the Grand Slam, and waited. When it arrived I read like a mad person and headed off to my wonderful Dr. She is an internist. Asked her to please read this. I think it is me and could we try it. She took it happily and 3 days later we were working together learning about T3. I started in March 98. My first cycle was up and down (my fault I didn’t follow the steps and take med on time. It is a MUST to do that) Even though I made some mistakes the first thing I noticed in the first 5 days was the panic and anxiety attacks were not happening as often.
By the 3rd week they were gone. My temp was still flexing so I weaned off and started over and this time I was going to follow the steps to the LETTER. . I did and I just kept getting better and better. I stayed on the T3 until the end of August and weaned off and have been off almost a month and I even feel better then I did on the medicine. It is wonderful to feel this way. I can’t ever remember feeling so good and energized. Also the weight is just coming off–never had that happen before. 20lbs now . I have always had a weight problem. I have been anywhere from 20 to 100 pounds over weight. Thank you Dr Wilson and my wonderful Dr for being open and trying something new. I forgot to tell you that on the first cycle I was taking 7.5 mcg twice a day and worked up to 22.5mcg twice a day. The second cycle I only needed to work up to 15 mcg twice a day to capture my temp and hold it there. I must admit if I needed to stay on the medicine the rest of my life to feel good I would do it. It has saved my life and sanity. I am looking forward to life and all the adventures and journeys that lay ahead for me now with excitement. If there is anything I can do to help anyone out there, please let me know.
Peace, Love and DrgNfly Kisses,
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