Medicine is an inexact science but Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome is remarkably “cut and dry.” Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome is very recognizable and it responds predictably and reproducibly well to proper treatment.
You may be wondering whether you or someone you know has Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome, or how you can get good medical treatment for it.
Are your symptoms Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome?
How can you know for sure whether you will respond well to treatment for Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome? You can’t, but you can try it and see. Does Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome sound like what you’ve been going through? Low body temperatures produce very recognizable symptoms and circumstances. You may thoroughly recognize yourself in the patient book, Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome — A Reversible Thyroid Problem which describes the syndrome in much more detail than this web site or the patient success stories.
Like depression, migraines, panic attacks, anxiety, irregular periods, PMS, impotence, menopause, and many (if not most) other conditions, Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome is a clinical diagnosis. A clinical diagnosis is one that is based on signs a doctor can see in an examination and symptoms that the patients report, not on tests.
If it sounds like Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome may be your problem and there is no other great explanation for your classic low thyroid symptoms, you might consider trying proper T3 therapy. The most convincing evidence you will have that you were suffering from Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome will be when your temperature improves and your symptoms disappear with proper treatment.
Good medicine taken properly
Good Medicine…
The preferred medicine for treating Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome is made by pharmacists, not a drug company. When companies make medicines it’s called manufacturing. When pharmacists make them it’s called compounding. T3 is found in nature and is not patentable so drug companies have less incentive to manufacture it. Nevertheless mixing pure T3 powder with a sustained release agent requires knowledge, expertise, and specialized equipment. We recommend you try Wellness Pharmacy in AL (800-227-2627).
…Taken Properly
You will need a doctor to prescribe the T3 mixed with a sustained release agent. You might try a doctor on our list of physicians who say they’re willing to treat Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome, or we will be happy to assist you and your own doctor.
There are some wonderfully knowledgeable, capable, and caring physicians out there. But these days, we recommend that patients be informed and in charge of their own health care. You may have more time to read. You have more of a vested interest. There probably is no doctor or pharmacist that cares about you and your loved ones as much as you do.
Obviously many patients are getting excellent results. It seems that the best results are coming from the doctors who are following the principles in the Doctor’s Manual most closely. However, some doctors tell patients that they ARE treating Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome according to the protocol in the Doctor’s Manual, when they’re not. Sometimes their treatment of patients is actually contrary to the principles presented in the Manual. The doctors may not have actually read the Manual, they may have forgotten, they may be guessing, they may be disagreeing, or even perhaps deceiving. It’s great that doctors have their own ideas about the way patients should be treated, and it’s nice that when they let you know that. Dr. Wilson wrote the Doctor’s Manual as much for patients as he did for doctors so that patients would be able to see for themselves if they are being treated in a way that makes sense.
Some doctors are more likely to treat you for WTS if you have already read the Doctor’s Manual and are wanting to try the treatment. Some doctors have said that if a patient comes in who has read the Manual thoroughly and really wants to try the T3 according to the protocol, they are more inclined to treat them. However, when patients come in without knowing much about it, the doctor might not be as inclined.
When doctors consider treatment approaches, they consider the pro’s and con’s for the patient and themselves. If the patients aren’t knowledgeable, the treatment may not work as well, and the patients may have more problems. Also, there are other approaches that may not be as powerful or promising but may not be as time-consuming to explain to the patient. So a doctor may be inclined to try a few simpler things first, before resorting to spending time educating the patient. Of course, these “few other things” can cost time and money and may not work very well. Reading the Manual will increase your chances of being treated for Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome first, rather than last.
There is too much to the treatment of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome for it to be conveyed adequately in a doctor’s visit. Even if the doctor could cover it all, studies show that patients remember very little of what doctors tell them. Inevitably, bits and pieces will be left out. The treatment of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome is like a jigsaw puzzle, it’s simple but you don’t want to leave pieces out. Just one piece of information that’s left out could end up costing you a month of medicine, time, travel, money, and disappointment. Knowing what you’re doing from the start can increase your chances for the quickest possible response at the lowest possible price, while providing you more peace of mind. You may have a simple question, but if you don’t know, you don’t know. And how easy will it be to get the doctor on the phone? At night? On the weekend? On a holiday? There’s a lot of comfort in knowing more about what you’re doing.
The Doctor’s Manual thoroughly explains the treatment of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome. Most doctors who are treating Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome heard about it from their patients, and then the doctors read the Doctor’s Manual. If your doctor reads the Doctor’s Manual s/he will probably know more about the successful treatment of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome overnight than s/he would by treating it for two years without reading the Manual.
Dr. Wilson has also recorded a series of 8 tutorial videos that add up to a total of about 30 minutes that can quickly give you an understanding of a simplified version of the protocol. Also, here is a companion sheet to those videos called Simplified T3 Protocol for WTS. It is a one-page instruction sheet along with a symptom checklist. Your doctor can order the T3 for you from a trusted pharmacy like Wellness Pharmacy.