How to Quickly and Easily Get Help for Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome
If you’ve read the book:
Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome — A Reversible Low Temperature Problem, then perhaps it’s already obvious to you that there’s hope for thousands and thousands of people who are suffering needlessly. You know there’s hope, because the book shows that Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome is so plain that it’s common-sense. It’s self-evident. Now it’s just a matter of getting the help you need to get better.
Some people are able to recover from Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome (WTS) through rest, diet, and exercise. Some people require the WT3 protocol (a prescription thyroid treatment only available through health care practitioners).
WT3 protocol – Short for Wilson ‘s T3 protocol, this protocol involves the use of a sustained release form of the thyroid hormone T3 and is explained in full detail in the Doctor’s Manual for Wilson ‘s Temperature Syndrome (free ebook version is available online on our web site).
There are 2 ways you can find a practitioner to help you with the WT3 protocol:
First, you can go to our web site ( and look for a doctor listed near you. Many of the doctors on our list of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome Treating Physicians have been to at least one of our annual International Restorative Medicine Conferences and many of those have become certified in the WT3 protocol. Second, you can introduce Wilson ‘s Syndrome and the WT3 protocol to a doctor near you. Most doctors that are treating Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome heard about it first from their patients.
The rest of this guide is devoted to telling you exactly how to go about introducing a doctor to Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome and the WT3 protocol. It begins by explaining why every doctor doesn’t yet know about Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome. Then it gives you inside information on what to look for in a doctor. It also explains the best attitude for you to have, and why. Finally, it shows you step-by-step how you can easily introduce Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome to a doctor. It explains exactly what you should do and why. This booklet gives you a lot of information. And these powerful and useful insights will give you all the knowledge, comfort, and confidence you need to work with your local practitioner. By the way, your local practitioner can call us at 800-420-5801 for a free consultation on the use of the WT3 protocol.
Why Every Doctor Doesn’t Yet Know About Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome
Let’s review these two points:
One, you may have already been to doctors who have told you that they can’t find anything wrong with you, and can’t think of anything that might help you.
And two, if you’ve read Dr. Wilson’s book on Wilson’s Thyroid Syndrome, you know for a fact that you might benefit from treatment for Wilson’s.
How does your mind come to terms with these two points? You probably have come to the realization that doctors don’t know everything, and that some doctors haven’t yet heard about Wilson’s Thyroid Syndrome among other things. You might have wondered why all doctors don’t yet know about Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome seeing as it is so plain, simple, and profoundly significant. As it turns out, some of the easiest and most powerful techniques in life aren’t common knowledge, and seem like the best kept secrets in the world. In fact, it’s sad to say but some of the most exciting developments never will be common knowledge.
The good news is that the word is spreading fast about Wilson’s Thyroid Syndrome as evidenced by the fact that you are reading this guide. How did you hear about it? Did you see it on TV? Hear a show on the Radio? Read an article in the Newspaper, or a Magazine? Read it in a Newsletter? See it on the Internet? Hear a talk at a Medical Convention? Hear it from a friend or relative who’s been reincarnated? From your doctor? There are lots of ways the news is spreading. People all over the world are hearing about it. How is your doctor going to hear about it? Perhaps one of the ways we just mentioned, or perhaps from you. Another way he might hear about it is the old-fashioned way. Over a period of years, it may filter down to him through our medical system and then again, it may not.
There are at least four reasons Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome does not lend itself to being filtered through our medical system any faster than many other developments.
- It is more than just a step in a new direction, it is a well-developed field in itself. Only a small fraction of the details of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome can be covered in a 3 page article in a medical journal. Dr. Wilson’s book on Wilson’s Thyroid Syndrome is over 300 pages, and it takes over 200 pages in the new Doctor’s Manual to adequately cover the treatment protocol.
- It represents a fairly significant paradigm shift, which means that a lot of things would change, and lots of change doesn’t happen quickly.
- Our medical system has become very test and technology oriented, and the technology necessary to be able to see what’s happening in each cell of the body at the same time is at least 2 decades away. This means that no tests will be developed in the next 20 years that are any more useful in the treatment of Wilson’s Thyroid Syndrome than what we already have. In fact, it’s not likely that there will ever be a test developed that will be any more useful in the treatment of Wilson’s than the body temperature and clinical findings are right now. This is because the body temperature is already a perfect measure of what’s most important, which is… the body temperature! For some in our medical system, an ordinary thermometer might be too simple.
- Money moves things along in medicine just as it does in any other industry. Money is generated in medicine in a variety of ways. Sometimes it’s through expensive tests, and sometimes it’s through the selling of medicine. A thermometer is not expensive, and almost everyone already has one so a thermometer company is not really going to benefit much from Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome. And thyroid medicine has been on the market for years and is not patentable, so a drug company has little incentive to spend a lot of money educating doctors and funding projects on Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome.
What to Look for In a Doctor
Whether you go to a doctor we referred, or to some other doctor it’s important for you to know the 3 most important things Dr. Wilson feels a doctor needs to be good at treating Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome. Let’s cover them now. By the way, we’ll be using male pronouns like “he” and “his” to refer to doctors only because it will be easier than using “he or she”, and “his or her” every time.
- You want a doctor who cares about, listens to, and is interested in helping his patients.
- He should have good clinical skills.
- He should well understand the treatment protocol for Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome.
Let’s look at each of these items a little more closely.
1.You want a doctor who cares about, listens to, and is interested in helping his patients. How well a doctor and patient communicate and get along is always important, but it’s especially important in the treatment of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome. Your doctor must find out from you how you are feeling, and it’s important that you carefully follow his instructions about the treatment protocol.
2.He should have good clinical skills. What does it mean to say a doctor has good clinical skills? Basically, there are two approaches doctors can take towards patients. One is to place more emphasis on what tests say about a patient, and the other is to place more emphasis on what one finds out from talking with, and examining the patient. What a doctor finds out about a patient by listening to and examining the patient are called clinical findings. Doctors use clinical skills to obtain clinical findings, and the more doctors practice their clinical skills the better they become. It’s often better to treat patients clinically, or based on clinical findings, than it is to treat them according to tests because tests aren’t always conclusive. This is reflected in an old saying in medicine that says “treat the patient not the blood tests.” This is an important saying because of how doctors can get preoccupied with tests and technology. While it’s true that sometimes tests are really useful, like when an x-ray determines when a bone’s broken, our technology has not progressed to the point of being able to tell us everything we’d like to know in every circumstance. For example, there is no blood test or scan that can determine whether or not a person has a headache, but because it doesn’t show up on any of our tests and scans does that mean there’s no such thing as a headache? Of course not! And that’s why headache patients are best managed clinically (or based on clinical findings).
So you see, some conditions are better managed according to tests, and some are better managed clinically. The conditions that are still better managed clinically are those that don’t yet have conclusive tests. Thyroid blood tests are not conclusive, so clinical judgment remains the strongest tool in managing Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome. A thyroid expert quoted in a medical journal called Postgraduate Medicine said this: “Thyroid function tests have certain limitations that must be recognized before they can be used effectively. Most important is the physician’s awareness that the tests do not replace good clinical judgment and should not be used alone to confirm a diagnostic impression or to dictate therapy.” Thyroid experts keep telling doctors that thyroid blood tests aren’t conclusive, but unfortunately a lot of doctors still don’t realize it and they act like the tests are conclusive when they aren’t. Part of the reason for this is that the more doctors come to rely on tests, they tend to become more dependent on them. The more they rely on tests, the less they tend to use their clinical skills. The less they use their clinical skills, the rustier they get and the less confidence the doctors have in them. Some doctors get so caught up with tests that they use their clinical judgment less and less until all they have left are tests, even though the tests might not be very useful or conclusive. When doctors are relying only upon tests, they also tend to overstate how conclusive those tests are.
This ends up making it pretty easy to tell whether a doctor is likely to have good clinical skills. If a doctor seems to have the attitude that tests are always conclusive in every circumstance, then he is less likely to have good clinical skills. If a doctor seems to be well aware that tests and technology have their limitations and that it’s still important to consider and evaluate each patient on an individual case basis, he’s more likely to have good clinical skills. It all depends on a doctor’s fundamental point of view, and what he believes. He either tends to believe that our technology is all-powerful and all-knowing, or he realizes that it isn’t. With these insights it will be easy for you to assess your doctor’s level of awareness in less than five minutes of talking with him.
- Does he greet you as an individual?
- Does he look at you when you’re talking to him?
- Does he pay attention to what you say, and how you answer his questions?
- Is he interested in you as a person?
- Does he ask you questions to try and get a better understanding of your problem?
- Does he bother making sure if you understand and agree to his proposed plan?
If he doesn’t do these things then he’s not as likely to have good clinical skills.
3.Now let’s move on and look a little more closely at what Dr. Wilson feels is the third most important thing a doctor needs to be good at treating Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome. That is, he should well understand the treatment protocol for Wilson’s Thyroid Syndrome. What it takes for a doctor to thoroughly understand the treatment protocol for Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome is a little surprising. Normally, to become very proficient at a medical treatment a doctor needs to have a great deal of experience in perhaps thousands of patients. For example, it is very likely that Dr. Wilson has more experience with, and can better predict how a patient will respond clinically to T3 therapy in a given situation than anyone else in the world. There is something however, about Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome that makes it very different than other medical treatments. It is extremely predictable and reproducible. Doctors dream about treatments that are predictable and reproducible. Being predictable and reproducible makes a treatment more clear-cut, which is always a welcome pleasure. This uncanny attribute of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome has made it possible for to capture the essence of Dr. Wilson’s vast experience in such a way as to make it easily transferrable to other doctors! This makes it possible for essentially any doctor to literally become an expert in the area of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome overnight! This wouldn’t usually be possible, but it is with Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome — because it is so predictable and reproducible.
Dr. Wilson has spent a full year carefully revising the Doctor’s Manual in such a way as to take full advantage of this unusual characteristic of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome, to ensure other doctors being able to produce the same great results. In the beginning of the manual are 8 case studies a doctor can read through in less than an hour to quickly get a feel for the treatment. The case studies are followed by fully illustrated pages that clearly and concisely explain the key principles a doctor must know to become proficient. There are also 12 pages of management flowcharts that bring all the principles together in an easy to follow format. Finally, there’s a list of the key points and all the main questions that ever come up with the treatment of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome, and their answers.
As you’d expect, a doctor will still get better at treating Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome as he gains more experience, but the revised Doctor’s Manual makes it possible for him to be an expert before he ever starts. In fact, a doctor will be more proficient after spending 5 or 6 hours carefully reading the revised Doctor’s Manual, than he would ever be in more than 2 years treating hundreds of patients without having read it. This is possible because the manual captures and transfers Dr. Wilson’s experience, which can’t be easily duplicated. There is a catch though. A doctor can’t get all of this benefit out of the manual without reading it. All of it. The manual has been condensed, polished and refined to the point that nothing more can be taken out or expressed any more simply and clearly. Everything left in the Doctor’s Manual has been left in for a reason. Fortunately, the Doctor’s Manual is plain enough and simple enough that you can easily understand it whether you’re a doctor or not. In fact, you should read it yourself so that you can easily understand your doctor’s instructions. It’s been written in an easy to follow, step-by-step format. In summary, there is one thing you can be quite sure of: If your doctor has not read the Doctor’s Manual for Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome, it is very doubtful that he’s a Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome expert– period. If he has truthfully read it, then he should be.
Now let’s review the 3 most important things that Dr. Wilson feels a doctor needs to be good at treating Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome:
- You want a doctor who cares about, listens to, and is interested in helping his patients.
- He should have good clinical skills.
- He should well understand the treatment protocol for Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome.
What Doctors are Most Likely to Fit This Bill?
The characteristics that make up the profile of a doctor who is more likely to manage proficiently Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome, might surprise you. To ensure that your experiences are as pleasant and rewarding as possible, we’ll go over them right now. Bear in mind that these are generalizations and don’t always hold true, but they are good guides.
1.You don’t want a doctor that’s too busy. In order to understand the treatment protocol well, he will have to read the Doctor’s Manual carefully. You’ll want a doctor who takes an interest in, and is very intrigued by what the manual says, and the possibilities it presents. That’s less likely to happen if the doctor’s too busy to really even look at it.
2.You’ll want to find a doctor who doesn’t already have a strong interest in something else. You want a doctor who is constantly on the lookout for methods and techniques he can use to really help his patients. Doctors who already have a strong interest in a given specialty or technique tend to feel they have found what they’re looking for. They tend to stop looking as hard for other ways to help their patients. The more generalized and less specialized a doctor’s practice, the more likely he is to be able to manage Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome well.
3.The management of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome lends itself more to clinically oriented doctors than it does to credential oriented doctors. There are a couple of reasons for this. Again it’s a matter of focus. Clinical doctors tend to focus more on patients while credential oriented doctors tend to focus more on tests, and technology. Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome is best managed clinically. The obtaining of a credential or board-certification represents a psychological, financial, political, and professional investment. In addition to becoming more proficient in certain medical approaches, obtaining board certification is a lot like joining a club. By joining such a club, a doctor submits to restrictions imposed upon him by the club in return for the advantages the club offers. He gives up some of his ability to act as an individual for the strength in numbers. He agrees to do things the way the club does things, and he agrees to be penalized by the club if he doesn’t. Medical Associations are also like clubs. Doctors are not required to join these clubs to practice medicine. But did you know that when a doctor voluntarily joins a club, and then doesn’t do everything the way the club does, then the club can censure him for it — which can cause the doctor’s malpractice insurance to go up? It can also affect his chances at certain job opportunities. So you can see that when you ask a doctor who belongs to a club, or two, or three to help you with something that he feels the whole club might not yet be doing, you’re asking him a lot. Yes, doctor’s invest a lot into clubs and there tends to be a need to justify that investment. If you spent years in training wouldn’t you like to think that you were being taught all that there was to know in a certain area, so that you could hope to have all the answers for years to come? But how the thyroid system really works doesn’t depend upon how doctors have spent their time. They either know what’s wrong with you and how to fix it, or they don’t. When you get more answers to your problems in a matter of hours reading the right book than your doctor got in years of training, it devalues his investment with evidence that suggests he may not know it all. This explains the sometimes irrational opposition people encounter from their doctors about Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome and other approaches. In general, the more heavily credentialed a doctor is, the more irrational his opposition can become. You might think you’re just talking about a little bit of thyroid medicine to get your temperature up to see how you’ll feel. But subconsciously, part of what he’s talking about is his time investment, self-image, and strength in numbers. So a doctor who is board-certified in a given specialty may not be your first choice. General Practice doctors are more likely to be able to help you with the treatment for Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome.
4.Older doctors often have a lot of experience treating patients clinically with thyroid medicine. They have been doing it for years. You see, before doctors started getting preoccupied with thyroid blood tests, doctors managed patients clinically all the time. They already know how great the benefits can be. And they’ll also be anxious to know of methods that can solve some of the problems they’ve run into in the past. An old country doctor or family doctor might be just what you need, because he’s been practicing general clinical medicine since before there were any specialties and clubs.
5.Osteopathic doctors or D.O.’s, as opposed to M.D.’s, are often excellent at managing Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome because of their strongly clinical background. Naturopathic physicians are also often very good.
6.Go to someone who’s nice. Although this has already been said in different ways before, it’s being emphasized specifically now. Believe it, when a doctor is genuinely nice it instantly tells you a great deal about him and where he’s coming from. It will tell you vast amounts about him both personally and professionally. It will tell you how interested he is in his patients, and how available he makes himself to them when they need him. It will tell you how closely he’ll be willing to work with you to get better. It will tell you how he’s likely to act if challenges arise. He won’t be as likely to give up. He’ll be less likely to get defensive and point blame at you, or criticize you. He’ll be more cooperative, and give more thought to what he’s trying to accomplish. Yes, it tells you a lot — instantly. So of all the guides we’ve given you, this is perhaps the most powerful. In fact, probably your two top criteria for what you’re looking for in a doctor should be that:
- He’s very nice, and
- He will read the Doctor’s Manual.
Now that you know what to look for in a doctor, perhaps a good doctor comes to mind for you (or someone you know) right off. You can decide whether you’d rather go to a doctor that you know of, or would rather try a doctor referral from us. The above points will enable you to identify a doctor that is more clinically oriented. Remember, you only need one doctor to treat you for Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome and you want a doctor that’s more likely to be good at it.
What To Say
There is an ideal attitude that you should have when approaching a doctor about Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome. It can be captured in the following sentence.
“This really sounds like me and I think it’s worth a try, would you be willing to work with me on it?”
It would be great for you to repeat this sentence over and over to yourself for a few days. Let it get ingrained into your mind.
We’ll break the attitude down now and show you why it’s exactly the right thing to say. The attitude is made up of 3 important components. The first is “This really sounds like me.” The second, “I think it’s worth a try.” And third, “would you be willing to work with me on it.”
The first (This really sounds like me) takes a lot of pressure off the doctor. Whether he is aware of it or not, there are two things that a doctor is under pressure to accomplish. One, is to establish your trust in him. And two, is to establish your trust in what he says. Different doctors go about this in different ways. Some do this by relying heavily upon their credentials, while others rely more heavily on their ability to help you. You want a doctor that’s more clinically oriented because he’s focused more on solving your problems and getting you better, than he is on pieces of paper.
So how does saying “This really sounds like me” take a lot of pressure off a clinically oriented doctor? Because it tends to establish your trust in him and what he might say. You didn’t say “This is definitely what’s wrong with me.” You said it sounds like you, which means you are putting your trust in him to find out for sure. And when you say “this really sounds like me,” he knows that if it turns out that he agrees with you, you’re already pretty well convinced because you’re the one that brought it up in the first place. Clinical doctors have learned to pay attention to their patients’ instincts. In fact, there’s another old saying that says: “If you listen to your patients long enough they’ll tell you what’s wrong with them, and if you listen longer still they’ll tell you how to fix it.”
Let’s move on now to the second component of the attitude that says “I think it’s worth a try.” Clinical doctors are very comfortable with a fundamental concept known as the therapeutic trial. Basically, a therapeutic trial means to try a treatment to see if it will work. A therapeutic trial is especially attractive if there is little risk of harm, and a great chance of benefit. So by saying “worth a try,” you’re tapping into the idea that the benefits of trying this treatment might greatly outweigh the risks. There’s a chance that you might really improve, which is what clinical doctors care most about anyway. And, clinical doctors like to serve the interests and needs of their patients. They don’t like to feel as though they’re pushing patients. By saying “I think it’s worth a try,” suggests that you’re looking for a doctor who would be willing to help serve your interests and needs. At the same time, it eliminates any chance of him feeling as if he’s pushing you into anything, because it’s your idea. Now it’s just a matter of him deciding whether or not he agrees the benefits outweigh the risks in your particular case.
The third component is asking “would you be willing to work with me on it?” This shows that you understand that you’re asking him for a special favor. You’re asking him to invest some of his free time. You’re also asking him to take an interest in something outside his normal way of doing things. Also, it’s a little easier for doctors to do things the way everyone else does, or the way it’s always been done. Depending upon how your doctor looks at it, he might view it as essentially the same old thing that’s been done for years, or he may view T3 therapy as something new and different. Here’s why. T3 therapy involves giving patients thyroid medicine according to patient response and laboratory findings, which has been common practice for more than 50 years. In the same way, men have been shooting basketballs through hoops for a very long time. But only relatively recently did players start slam-dunking the basketball through the hoop. They’re still using their hands to project the ball through the hoop, but doing things a little differently can be quite dramatic. In a similar way, the treatment protocol for Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome specifies how to give the medicine in the right way to give dramatic results. Basketball is not a new game, but it’s played a little differently these days. And thyroid medicine is not a new medicine but the how’s and why’s can be very significant. So your doctor may feel that this approach is nothing different than what’s always been done. Or, he may feel that you’re asking him to stretch a little for you.
Now let’s look at the attitude as a whole: “This really sounds like me and I think it’s worth a try, would you be willing to work with me on it?” Taken as a whole this is the best attitude because it is cooperative and accepting. It’s as if you’re saying, “I’m OK, and you’re OK, would you like to work together on this?” Be courteous, but don’t overdo it. By the same token, don’t blame your doctor for not knowing about Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome. There’s no reason you should expect him to know all about it, it’s not yet common knowledge. And, don’t condemn him if he can’t or doesn’t want to take some time to learn about it. He’s got his own challenges and time constraints which might be awful. Rest assured of one thing, there are hundreds of doctors that are very excited to hear of, and learn more about Wilson’s Thyroid Syndrome. This is because they have been searching for ways to help their difficult patients. A “difficult patient” is one for which their current methods aren’t working. If your doctor’s not too busy and he’s looking for a way to help his difficult patients, you’ll be able to tell. If he’s not, then how much easier would it be to go to someone who is?
Also, it would be good for you to decide within yourself that you are going to pursue the treatment at your own risk. Liability is a big consideration for doctors these days. It’s probably enough that you’re aware of this important issue, you probably won’t want to say anything about it. Deciding beforehand that you will be pursuing the treatment at your own risk will automatically help everything to get off on the right foot. If you’re not really sure enough about this approach to pursue it at your own risk, then it probably would be best for you not to pursue it at all. This is because the treatment protocol for Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome requires that you be enthusiastic and confident enough to follow the protocol carefully. Skepticism and doubt can be a self-fulfilling prophecy for you since you’ll be less likely to follow the protocol as directed.
What to Do, Step-by-step
The good news is that there’s no reason you have to wait one more day for your doctor to find out about Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome. We’ll go step-by-step, and show you how you can easily obtain treatment for Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome immediately.
A. Doctor Referral from Us
The first way is to get a doctor referral -based on a zip code -from us at the Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome Foundation. Some people are very excited and well-pleased with the doctor referrals they receive from us. But others aren’t. Sometimes, the referrals are to doctors that are too far away. Also, different doctors place emphasis on different things. This affects their interests, their attitudes, their charges, their service, and their personalities among other things. So a referral doesn’t always work out as well as you might hope. Please keep in mind, who we refer to is continually evolving. If you’re especially happy with, or for some reason disappointed in a doctor we refer you to, please let us know why. We want to continue referring to those doctors who provide good service.
B. A Doctor of Your Choosing
The other two main ways for you to get treatment for Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome is through your own doctor, or some other doctor that comes to mind. You can write this internet address down on a piece of paper for your doctor:
Under the “Videos” tab your doctor can see a brief introduction to T3 therapy in the “T3 Tutorial Videos” section.
Under the “Doctors” tab your doctor can link to and read the “Free eBook – Doctor’s Manual for Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome.”
Also available here:
is Dr. Wilson’s newly updated (2014) book: Evidence-Based Approach to Restoring Thyroid Health. This new book is especially compelling because of all the scientific references it contains that justify the use of T3 in patients with normal thyroid blood tests. To maximize your chances of obtaining treatment, you should consider buying this book to share with your doctor and following up with him to see if he’s read it. If he doesn’t look at it then get it back and give it to another doctor to read.
4 ways you can approach a doctor
There are at least 4 ways you can approach a doctor with the book.
First, you can drop it by the office in person.
Second, you can give it to him during an office visit.
Third, you can drop it off with a note.
Or fourth, you can call him about it on the phone.
Let’s explore each of these methods a little more fully.
1.You can drop it by the office in person. Dropping it by the office in person is ideal if you have a good relationship with your doctor. It’s especially good if you can say hi to him and give him the book personally. Be friendly, and explain that you know he’s busy and that you don’t want to take too much of his time but that you just wanted to say hi and ask him if he’d mind taking a look at the book, especially Chapter 5 on Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome. If he says yes, say “Great! I’ll give you a call in the next few days to see what you think.”
2.You can give it to him during an office visit. Giving it to him in an office visit will cost you money, but it may be worth it. He’ll be more obliged to consider your proposal because you’ll be a paying customer. It’s nice to have paying customers. By paying an office visit, you’ll be sending your doctor a clear message that you’re willing to pay for his time and services.
3.You can drop it off with a note. You would use this approach more often with a doctor you’ve never been to before. You would be a prospective patient. It’s nice to have prospective patients. If you haven’t yet met the doctor your note should read something like this:
Dear Doctor So-and-so,
My name is Such-and-such. I’ve made an appointment to see you as a new patient on such-and-such a date. I can tell you then what I’ve been going through. Also, I have heard about something with complaints similar to mine and I wanted to ask you about it. So, would you please take a glance at Chapter 5 of this book so I won’t take too much of your time when I see you.
Thanks a lot, and I’m looking forward to seeing you then,
Signed Such-and-such
This shows the doctor that you are accepting and trusting of him, and that you’re serious about seeing him, and that you respect his judgment and abilities as a doctor. Sometime before your appointment, you can call the doctor to see if he has had a chance to glance at the book and get a feel for his reaction. If he sounds excited, then you’ll keep your appointment. He may tell you when you call that he doesn’t think he’ll be able to help you, and you can always cancel the appointment. If you’re not encouraged to cancel the appointment, but it sounds like the doctor’s too busy to get to the book, or if there’s something you don’t like about what he or his staff is saying, then you can pick the book up when you’re in the neighborhood and then cancel the appointment.
When you write the note, you should include something about having heard about him from a friend or relative, if you have. But more importantly, let’s review what this note should not say.
If you’ve never seen this doctor, you’ll want to save the “This-really-sounds-like-me-and I think-it’s-worth-a-try, would-you-be-willing-to-work-with-me-on-it?” sentence for when you see him. Some doctors will feel uncomfortable if they get the feeling they’re being “shopped.” It’s better to meet the doctor first, and to then take it from there with an accepting cooperative attitude.
Don’t go into what kind of complaints you’ve been having, and when they started, and all that. Here’s a little story about what they taught Dr. Wilson one day in medical school. Believe it or not, he was taught to watch out for patients that come in complaining of a lot of symptoms, especially if they come in with those symptoms written down on a sheet of paper. The reason? Because, the teacher said, those patients’ problems are more likely to be in their head! Apparently it’s assumed that if patients complain of more than one or two complaints, then none of them can be that severe. Presumably, because none of them are bad enough to stand out above the rest. And, the teacher said that if they can’t easily remember all their complaints and have to write them down, they’re less likely to be significant. These ideas or “red flags” are commonly taught in medical schools. How did they come up with these assumptions? That’s explained in the Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome book, but it’s basically got to do with doctors being more comfortable saying that there’s nothing wrong with you than it is for them to admit their knowledge and technology has limitations.
Don’t say that you’ve been from doctor to doctor, or that you’re looking for a doctor who’ll help you. It’s obvious that you’re looking for a doctor to help you, you don’t need to say so. Doctors are just like you, they don’t want to feel like just another somebody. And doctors are also taught to have “red flags” go up when someone says they’ve been from doctor to doctor. This suggests that other doctors haven’t been able to help you, so maybe you’re a difficult patient and no one can make you happy. The doctor is trained to think you’re likely to be a problem patient.
Don’t play hardball. Don’t say anything that intimates the doctor practices to make money. Don’t say anything that suggests that helping you will be an opportunity for him to make more money. And don’t act or say anything like: “You’ll do what I want because that’s what I pay you for, and if you don’t like it I’ll take my money somewhere else.” Hardly anyone would behave in such a way but it’s worth pointing out that it’s not good to be pushy. Doctors don’t respond any better to being pushed than you do.
4.You can tell the doctor about the book by calling him on the phone. Also, someone you know might tell you of a doctor that you should call. Here are some helpful hints that will help you determine if he’s someone you’d like to see. First ask if Dr. So-and-so is taking new patients. If he is, ask how soon you’ll be able to get in to see him. If it’s more than a week or so, then that might be an indication that he’s too busy. If he does surgery or does rounds to see patients in the hospital, then he’s probably too busy. You’re more likely to get the time and attention you need from a doctor who has strictly an office practice.
The attitude of the staff of an office often reflects the attitude of the doctor. Be careful if you’re put on hold too long. And if they’re curt and abrupt with you on the phone it may be because they talk to a lot of unhappy and dissatisfied people (perhaps their patients), or the office may be poorly organized or too busy. If the person you talk to on the phone is very nice and helpful, that’s a very good sign. Perhaps you will want to make an appointment if the office sounds relaxed, cooperative, and above all, helpful.
If you do like what you hear, strike up some friendly conversation while you make the appointment. Then you might ask the receptionist to level with you as to whether the doctor is very nice. We’ve already covered how much this will tell you about the doctor. Receptionists don’t often hear this blunt yet seemingly harmless question, and taken off guard a little they will tell you what you want to know. They will almost always say yes, but if the doctor is really nice, then the answer will usually be a very emphatic and genuine “Oh yes, he’s really nice.” But if he’s not, then the answer will more likely be “yes” or “yes, he’s nice.” A doctor that’s a nice person treats his staff and his patients well, and they enjoy being around him.
If you’ve made an appointment, then you may want to ask for his nurse if you’re not talking to her or him already, to ask a medical question. Mention to the nurse, that to save the doctor time when you see him, you have a book that talks about something you wanted to ask him about. Ask his nurse about what she or he thinks are the chances that he might glance at the book before your visit. Nurses and Office Managers are experts at knowing how to get information in front of the doctor. It would be very good if they can help you.
You might ask how long the doctor’s been in practice to get a feel for how old he is. You might also ask if he’s board-certified in a specialty. Does he have a general practice, or does he have some special interest?
You might not get all this done on the first phone call. The main purpose of the phone call is to just get a feel for the office, and to decide if it sounds like a place you’d like to go. If it does and you make an appointment, you can always make a follow up call or go into the office sometime before your appointment to see if you can drop off the book for the doctor to glance over.
Let’s review now all the things you’ve learned in this booklet.
- You now know the 3 most important things Dr. Wilson feels a doctor needs to be good at treating Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome.
- You’ve gained some valuable insights on our medical system, and now know what to look for in a doctor.
- You’ve found out about the book, Evidence-based Approach to Restoring Thyroid Health, and 4 EASY ways you can use that book to introduce Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome to the doctor of your choice.
- And you know exactly what to say and do and why.
Which do you think you’d be most likely to read? A book that’s in your hand right here and right now because someone gave it to you? Or one you had to call up and order, and wait to be shipped? Convenience is everything, especially to a doctor. Your doctor might be so intrigued that he’ll go to our site and read the free eManual version online. But if you want to maximize your chances of your doctor treating you for Wilson ‘s Temperature Syndrome, you’ll give him a copy of Evidence-based Approach to Restoring Thyroid Health. This will be your best opportunity for an uncontested slam-dunk. It could be a done deal and then you’ll be ready to get treatment right away.
It’s strange that so much of your life could boil down to a book, a thermometer, and a little bit of the right thyroid medicine given in the right way, but sometimes, that’s just the way it goes. You now have at your disposal the secrets and inside information that may help turn your life around and help you stop unnecessary medicines!
When you find the doctor that works for you and think that other patients would benefit from his/her care please let us know, many people just like you will be forever grateful.