“The fatigue… headaches… and depression are gone” – Suzanne G.
In September 1989, I was referred by my own GYN to an endocrinologist for thyroid testing. I complained of debilitating fatigue, headaches, depression, and rather frightening episodes of monthly PMS. Actually these symptoms had been present for at least 3 to 4 years, and I had previously had thyroid testing (at least 3 times that I recall) and I was told that the results were in the “normal” range. The endocrinologist diagnosed me as being hypothyroid and prescribed Synthroid. In a follow up visit in January 1990, I explained that I felt no better than before I began taking the medication – I literally felt no difference and all the complaints were still present. The doctor I was seeing said that obviously these symptoms were caused by something other than the hypothyroidism. He suggested I see my “regular” doctors since there was nothing more he could do for me, and I was to continue taking the Synthroid for the rest of my life.
Needless to say, this was very disappointing, but I really had no alternative and simply did not know where to go or what to do next. My mother suggested that I had nothing to lose by seeing Dr. Wilson, since the fatigue and headaches were at a level that made daily functioning extremely difficult.
I was astounded that the profile for Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome seemed to be tailored to me personally. Then when I went, I subsequently began charting my temperature and found it was always well below 97.4 and I began to hope that I had finally come to the right doctor. When I began taking the liothyronine
Perhaps even more phenomenal, was that days prior to my first menstrual cycle after beginning the medication, I, for the first time in as long as I could remember, experienced no discomfort whatsoever- no mood swings, no cravings, no depression, no irrational behavior, and no cramping. Needless to say I was ecstatic and was almost non-believing that I could feel so generally good.
The list of the additional physical changes that have taken place during my treatment would be extensive. Some specifics are as follows: Formerly brittle fingernails are now strong and growing. My skin was always blemished and dry and now is clear and more moist. I sweated excessively and now do so only moderately. I am even-tempered and no longer have severe moods (my husband will attest to this). I formally, on a daily basis, had episodes of “spots before my eyes” and momentarily blurred vision – this has completely stopped. A most significant result is the absence of fatigue. It is simply something I remember from the past and no longer experience. The depression which had begun to make me question my overall sanity is also gone. My family and friends quite frankly think I’m a different person and are pleased with the new me. I feel like a new person. The primary benefit that I have gained from my treatment is complete absence of any physical ailments, symptoms, or complaints, and the general sense of overall wellbeing. I feel well physically and mentally. It feels almost miraculous. I can only, in understatement, say thank you Dr. Wilson for giving me my life back.
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