Brominated vegetable oil is found in about 10% of soft drinks. It is vegetable oil that has the element bromine attached to it. Bromine looks a little like iodine to the body and competes with it for absorption. The more bromine you get, the less iodine you get. The less iodine you get, the less thyroid hormone you can make because the body needs iodine to make thyroid hormone.
By adding bromine to vegetable oil, manufacturers can make the vegetable oil the same density as water. That way, they can get flavorings to stay mixed in the drink without them separating out. Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO) was once designated as “generally recognized as safe” by the U.S. government. However, this status was removed in 1970 by the FDA because a group of researchers couldn’t find enough evidence to support that designation. Since then, BVO has been approved as an “interim food additive”. In other words, it was “temporarily” grandfathered in (in the U.S.) and allowed to be used in foods as long as the concentration was less than 15 parts per million. That was over 40 years ago. In the meantime, BVO has been banned as a food additive in Europe, Japan, and India (for soft drinks).
Jorge Flechas, MD speaks internationally to medical doctors on the topic of thyroid and iodine. He once told an audience a story of a young man who was drinking many servings each day of a BVO-containing soft drink. The young man was having a lot of learning and behavioral problems. He was given a large dose of iodine to test whether he was iodine deficient. When they collected his urine to measure the iodine they noticed a strange “sludge” in his urine. Further analysis showed that the sludge contained bromine. You see, just as bromine can take the place of iodine in the body, so too can iodine take the place of bromine. When he was given the iodine it helped clear his body of the bromine. The young man was instructed to stop drinking the BVO-containing soft drink and within a matter of weeks his behavioral and learning symptoms resolved.
There have been reports of people developing “bromism” after consuming too much of BVO-containing soft drinks. These were severe cases. However, certainly there are many teenagers and others that could easily be consuming enough BVO-containing soft drinks to easily account for some of the symptoms they are experiencing. A LOT of soft drinks are sold in vending machines in U.S. high schools and many of the most popular drinks contain BVO. This could easily explain some of the learning and behavioral problems we are seeing in our schools.
Soft drinks that contain brominated vegetable oil include, Mountain Dew, Gatorade Orange, Crush Orange, Crush Peach, Crush Pineapple, Strawberry Powerade, Fanta, Dr. Pepper, Fresca, Squirt, Sunkist Orange, and possibly others.
Hi, I drank squirt and Fresca. I didn’t know I had a thyroid problem. I now have thyroid medicine. My thyroid was having problems when I was in 8th grade…but didn’t get thyroid medicine until age 32 when my thyroid quit after having two kids in a row that drained the vitamins/good oils out of me. Gluten can make antibodies the thyroid and Celiac is the cause of my thyroid issues. I am also full of heavy metals…and do EDTA/DMPS IV chelation which takes out the lighter elements on the periodic chart before the heavier metals…and then I need to replace the good minerals/metals. Colloidal silver blocked my thyroid and more. My body built it up. I take iodine/iodide now and I can tell I have more energy doing that so my thyroid must still be working alittle. I suffered greatly due to low thyroid….my periods were heavy and worse the childbirth, but I didn’t know it was thyroid. I have a strange TSH…is very low…but I need thyroid medicine. Gluten can make antiobodies to the thyroid and pituitary that makes TSH. I think my body is not making TSH. Some doctors then wanted to withhold the thyroid medicine. I have MS due to Celiac…which is due to low oxygen in my brain. Low thyroid makes the MS kick in. Synthroid only didn’t help much and I suffered many years until I got also Armour thyroid. It was hard emotionally to have doctors want to withhold thyroid medicine and let my MS kick in. I finally found Alternative medicine which understands more about the thyroid and has the freedom to help me more than Conventional doctors.
Soy/brominate vegetable oil/cruciferous raw vegetables may block thyroid. I knew none of this and many others don’t. Too bad people have to suffer greatly not getting real help and then most may get Synthroid T4 only which doesn’t help them much. Few find out they are Celiac which may cause low thyroid or hyper thyroid (which may eventually burn out to be low thyroid), due to tests not working to diagnose Celiac and doctors not being trained in it.
It is strange….I can’t have taurine/tyrosine/tryptophan maybe due to heavy metals. Tryosine can help thyroid.
Can you have both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism symptoms?
Yes, Patients with Hashimoto’s can sometimes migrate between hypo and hyper symptoms. On the other hand people with low temps can feel panicky. One might think panicky is a symptoms of hyperthyroidism but it can be a symptom of hypothyroidism. The way to tell the difference is with the temperature. If the temp is low, it’s not a hyperthyroid symptom.
Aye do you know if dr. pepper contain brominated vegetable oil?
I’m sorry, I don’t know…