Dear Physician,
The treatment of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome with T3 is now considered to be standard of care medicine among thousands of integrative medicine practitioners.
You can sign up as a treating physician by joining AARM (Association for the Advancement of Restorative Medicine), and taking the T3 Certification course and passing the exam.
Every day many new people come to this website and get very hopeful about the prospects of feeling better. They often become very anxious to know of doctors near them that use herbs and nutrients to support good health or that treat Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome with the WT3 protocol.
We have been helping patients get in contact with treating physicians for the past 24 years. For some of the doctors on our list of treating physicians, the treatment of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome has become the major focus of their practices. There are currently over 100 doctors, physician’s assistants, and nurse practitioners on our list of treating practitioners, most are in the United States, and some are international.
The symptoms of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome are numerous and varied and could be related to a variety of other causes, however, Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome is probably the most common and easily treated. This website is dedicated to connecting patients who are interested in trying WT3 therapy with doctors who are enthusiastic about providing the WT3 protocol.
The WT3 protocol is certainly not indicated for all patients, but visitors to our website are very appreciative to learn of doctors who look for opportunities to use the WT3 protocol as opposed to avoiding it.
The online “Find a Provider” search tool is open to doctors who are AARM members, have attended at least one Restorative Medicine Conference (which take place annually in the fall) and have passed the T3 Certification Exam.
As a treating physician, you must agree with the following WTS Tenets:
- I have read the Doctor’s Manual for Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome (WTS).
- I diagnose Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome based on low body temperature and symptoms – not on blood tests (including levels of T3 or RT3).
- My intent is to normalize body temperature and reverse symptoms, such that they remain improved even after discontinuing treatment.
- I optimize body temperatures through the use of lifestyle, nutrition, dietary supplements and/ or thyroid hormone.
- When I use thyroid hormone for optimizing body temperatures in patients with normal blood tests I’m inclined to use sustained-release T3 (according to the WT3 protocol) primarily as opposed to T4-containing medicines (like Synthroid or Armour).
- I am aware of contraindications of the WT3 protocol.
Remember, we are happy to provide free technical support to doctors and to discuss your cases. You can call us at 800-420-5801 and let us know when you are available for a free consultation with Dr. Wilson.