First of all, I feel the WT3 protocol has saved my life.
My question is related to timing of dose. I have been on this therapy for about a year. The past 3 months I stabilized at 22.5 mcg per dose. My temps stayed between 98.4 and 98.6 but I did not have symptoms so I was fine with that. Recently, I had to get up 4 hours earlier than usual for a special class. I was not sure what to do. Take my T3 at my regular time…(would have been up 3 to 4 hours before taking. Or take it when I got up. I tried both and definitely destabilized.I had lots of symptoms. When there is a change in schedule for a week or couple of months…It seems like it would be better to stay with time that has been regular time of dosing. I hope this can be answered.
Susan CA
Dear Susan,
You’ve seen first hand what a difference keeping T3 levels steady can make. When patients change the times they take the T3, that can destabilize T3 levels to some degree for as long as 3 weeks. Therefore, it is usually best for patients to keep taking their medicines at their regular times, even though their sleep habits may change significantly for a few days. It’s usually best not to introduce a 3 week destabilization because of a 1-3 day aberration. On the other hand, when patients experience a persistent change in their schedules that last for months it often makes sense to gradually migrate the dosing times (for example by 15 minutes at a time) so that they can be taken more conveniently on time. This way, introducing tiny 3 week destabilizations is fine since it will make it easier to take the medicine very much on time for months.
Hope that helps,
Denis Wilson, MD
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